Raport śledczy w sprawie Jia Qinglin

W dniach 2-6 listopada na zaproszenie marszałka Senatu odbędzie się oficjalna wizyta Jia Qinglina, członka Politbiura KPCh, przewodniczącego Ludowej Politycznej Konferencji Konsultatywnej Chin. Dnia 2 listopada Jia Qinglin spotka się z marszałkiem Senatu, a 3 listopada z Prezydentem RP i Premierem. Natomiast 4 listopada z marszałkiem Senatu.

Pragniemy uświadomić nasze władze i polskie społeczeństwo, że Jia Qinglin jest w wielkim stopniu zaangażowany w brutalne represje wobec praw człowiek w Chinach. Warto przypomnieć, że w 2007 r. hiszpański Trybunał Konstytucyjny w świetle przedstawionych zarzutów jednogłośnie stwierdził, że Sąd Hiszpanii musi rozpatrzyć sprawę wobec m.in. Jia Qinglina oskarżonego o zbrodnie ludobójstwa i tortur wobec Falun Gong, i tym samym, że nie może chronić go immunitet dyplomatyczny.

Poniżej przedstawiamy skrócony raport na temat jego działalności w ChRL.
World Organization to Investigate the Persecution of Falun Gong

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Komisja do spraw badania zbrodni chińskiego „Biura 610″ w prześladowaniach Falun Gong

(21 sierpnia 2004 r., wydanie poprawione dnia 26 października 2005 r.)


Pekin jest jednym z miast w Chinach, które posiada najwyższy wynik w kwestii prześladowań Falun Gong. Do 25 października 2005 r., w Pekinie udokumentowane zostało, zakatowanie na śmierć 75 praktykujących, co stanowi najwyższy wskaźnik ofiar śmiertelnych i. Wśród nich 49 zmarło lub odniosło obrażenia przed listopadem 2002 r., kiedy władzę w mieście sprawował Jia Qinglin. Ponieważ niektórzy prześladowani i torturowani praktykujący na śmierć w Pekinie pochodzili z innych regionów Chin, a ich śmierć odnotowano w ich rodzimych miastach, rzeczywista ilość zweryfikowanych zgonów w Pekinie jest znacznie wyższa niż wyżej podana. Jako sekretarz Pekińskiego Komitetu Komunistycznej Partii Chin od 1997 r. do listopada 2002 r., Jia Qinglin jest odpowiedzialny za tortury, katowanie na śmierć oraz inne zbrodnie wobec praktykujących Falun Gong podczas swojej kadencji w Pekinie.

Sądzony za ludobójstwo

Jia Qinglin

Jia Qinglin ii, były sekretarz Pekińskiego Komitetu Miejskiego KPCh (1997 – listopad 2002). Członek Politbiura, sekretarz Pekińskiego Komitetu Miejskiego KPCh, burmistrz Pekinu (1997-1999); członek Politbiura, Pekińskiego Komitetu Miejskiego KPCh (1999 – listopad 2002); wybrany na członka Stałego Komitetu Politbiura (listopad 2002); wybrany na przewodniczącego Dziesiątej Chińskiej Ludowej Politycznej Konferencji Konsultacyjnej na jej pierwszej sesji w marcu 2003.

Jia Qinglin od dawna uważany był za zaufanego zwolennika Jiang Zemina. Przetrwał słynną „Sprawę Yuanhua” dzięki pełnej wigoru ochronie Jianga. Na froncie politycznym, Jia podąża ściśle za polityką Jianga w rozprawianiu się z Falun Gong. W dniu 20 lipca 1999 r., reżim Jianga rozpoczął prześladowanieFalun Gong. Jia natychmiast wyraził jego poparcie iii, zwołując powiększoną konferencję Stałego Komitetu Miejskiego KPCh i zażądał, aby organizacje KPCh oraz członkowie na wszystkich szczeblach mieli jednoznaczne stanowisko oraz zdecydowanie rzucili się w tę polityczną walkę przeciwko Falun Gong iv. Jia wielokrotnie kład nacisk na walkę przeciwko Falun Gong podczas sesji Miejskiej Politycznej Konferencji Konsultacyjnej v oraz Kongresu Ludowego vi i atakował Falun Gong przy każdej okazji. Jia, aby zwiększyć morale, objął przewodnictwo w spotkaniu z Narodową Anty-Falun Gong delegacją objazdową vii . Uczęszczał na konferencje, które chwaliły czołowe jednostki oraz osoby fizyczne w walce z Falun Gong i dawał przemowy, aby zachęcać tych, którzy byli bezpośrednio zaangażowani w prześladowania viii. Jia określił także szczegółowe wytyczne odnośnie śledzenia i badania Falun Gong w Pekinie ix. Ponadto, Jia atakował Falun Gong podczas różnych spotkań, takich jak Konferencja Robocza Pekińskich Kwestii Polityczno-Prawnych x, Robocza Konferencja na temat Religii xi, Pekińska Konferencja Przedstawicieli KPCh xii, spotkanie na uroczystości 80-tych urodzin KPCh w Pekinie xiii, oraz innych okazjach, takich jak wtedy, kiedy przekazywał pozdrowienia dla sił roboczych od bezpieczeństwa publicznego i społeczności biznesowej xiv. Na mobilizującej konferencji dla Szesnastego Kongresu Narodowego, Jia mianował prześladowania Falun Gong jednym pięciu pekińskich priorytetów xv. Jia również aktywnie brał udział w prześladowaniach kobiet praktykujących Falun Gong xvi. Na ceremonii otwarcia Pierwszej Sesji Dziesiątej Chińskiej Ludowej Politycznej Konferencji Konsultacyjnej (CPPCC) – pierwszym spotkaniu, któremu Jia przewodniczył po tym jak został wybrany na przewodniczącego CPPCC, Li Guixian wygłosił przemówienie, zawierające paragrafy przeciwko Falun Gong, łamiąc tradycje CPPCC pod przewodnictwem Li Ruihuan xvii.


i Clearwisdom.net Death Case Distribution by Province http://www.clearwisdom.net/emh/special_column/death_cases/death_distribution.html#picture2

ii China Internet Information Center Biography of Jia Qinglin. http://www.china.org.cn/english/PP-e/48924.htm

iii People’s Daily, (pg. 1, July 24, 1999) Reported on July 23 in Beijing, based on consolidated reports from People’s Daily reporters: After the publishing of the Chinese Communist Party Central Committee’s decree regarding the banning of Party members from practicing “Falun Dafa”…

Beijing: Clearly and unequivocally participate into this most serious struggle


Beijing City Municipal Party Committee organized and deployed every task that carried out the Party Central’s decree. Politburo member, Beijing City Municipal CCP Committee Secretary Jia Qinglin emphasized that every level of the Party’s organization and its party members must demonstrate their clear cut attitude and determination to participate this political struggle, carefully organize and plan, pay attention to both details and overall coordination, ensure the political stability of the Capital city.

Jia Qinglin said, each and every party member must demonstrate his or her clear cut attitude towards “Falun Gong, ” obey and adhere to the constitution and the law as model citizens, proactively support the Party doctrine, observe and obey the Party guiding principles, and fulfill the Party membership obligations. Party Committee Secretary at every level must be the No 1 responsible individual, must personally intervene, be responsible to the concerted study and education effort at individual district, department and unit levels; and be totally responsible for the ideological transformation and parting-severance (from Falun Gong) of Party members, cadres, and citizens at large who are “Falun Gong” practitioners.http://www.people.com.cn/rmrb/199907/24/newfiles/wzb_19990724001004_1.html

iv Beijing Evening News, July 23, 1999. Beijing City Municipal CCP Committee called a Standing Committee Member Plenary Meeting. At this meeting, the members proclaimed that they would resolutely fulfill and carry out the Party Central Committee’s spirit, adhere to its vital policies, safeguard the social and political stability of the Capital city. The Municipal Party Committee Secretary Jia Qinglin presided the meeting. In his speech, he emphasized that each and every party member and party establishment at every level must be promptly mobilized, resolutely carry out the important policies established by the Party Central Committee. The Party members must demonstrate a clear cut and resolute attitude with firm stands, proactively join this struggle, meticulously coordinate their effort, take into consideration of all factors in their unified planning, and safeguard the social and political stability of the Capital city. Deputy Party Secretary and Mayor Liu Qi, Deputy Party Secretaries Zhang Fusen, Li Zhijian and Yu Junbo attended the meeting. Beijing Municipal People’s Congress Standing Committee Chairman Zhang Jianmin, Beijing Municipal Political Consultative Conference Chairman Chen Guangwen also participated the meeting.

Jia Qinglin raised 4 demands to all Party members and Municipal Party organizations at every level: First of all was that everyone must show their true colors along the Party line, determination, and unwavering stands. During this struggle and education study, each and every Party member must unequivocally disclose their attitude on “Falun Gong,” act as a exemplary model in obeying the constitution and law, be in resolute agreement of the Party doctrine, adhere to the Party policy, fulfill Party member obligations, never believe nor participate “Falun Gong” and fight hard against “Falun Gong.” Those Party members who had practiced “Falun Gong” must go through more education and studies to recognize the political peril and ideological absurdity of “Falun Gong.” They must draw a clear line to consciously separate themselves from “Falun Gong” organizations in every aspect: political, ideological, organizational, and personal conduct. They must consciously return to the correct stand of the Party. Second of all, Party members must pay close attention, strengthen Party leadership, and establish responsibility. Party Secretary will be the first line administrator who will personally participate, intervene, be totally responsible for the consolidated Party education of individual district, department and unit, and be totally responsible for the ideological transformation of Party members, cadres, and people at large who practiced “Falun Gong.” Third of all was to intensify the propaganda education and media direction effort. Fourth of all was to strengthen the Party build up during the struggle. www.people.com.cn/item/flg/news/072329.html

v People’s Net, February 7, 2001, “Making extra efforts for a good beginning”, Jia Qinglin’s speech at the closing ceremony of the Fourth Session of the Ninth Beijing Municipal Political Consultative Conference on February 6, 2001. He said, the struggle against the Falun Gong cult organization is a serious political struggle. I hope the Municipal Political Consultative Committee and all political parties and groups take better advantage of their own functions and impact, unite people from all ethnic groups of the city and deeply motivate the struggle against Falun Gong, disclose its reactionary nature that is anti-human, anti-society and anti-science, educate and rescue the deceived Falun Gong practitioners, and make new contributions to the maintenance of the political stability of the capital. http://unn.people.com.cn/GB/channel28/33/59/200102/07/35223.html

vi Xinhua News Agency, March 9, 2001. During the 4th Plenary Session of the 9th National People’s Congress in 2001, Jia Qinglin, when participating in the discussions of representatives from Beijing, stressed that they should continue the struggle against the Falun Gong cult, deeply disclose and criticize its anti-human, anti-society and anti-science cult nature, and its reactionary appearance after reduced to the tools of domestic and foreign hostile forces who are against the socialism regime of our country, and should harshly attack the very small number of criminals in accordance with the law, and should persistently unite with, educate and rescue the overwhelming majority of masses who have been deceived. http://www.npcnews.com.cn/gb/paper131/1/class013100004/hwz102355.htm

vii Beijing Daily, March 1, 2001. (reporter Zhou Xian) Yesterday afternoon, during the meeting with the Group Reporting Outstanding Achievement In The Struggle Against Falun Gong Evil Cult Organizations, Outstanding Group and Individuals who received commendation from the 7 Ministries and Departments of CCP Central Committee and State Council, Beijing Municipal Party Committee Secretary Jia Qinglin emphasized, “Follow the examples from those groups and individuals who received commendations, actively join the struggle against “Falun Gong” evil cult, work hard to form an fine atmosphere of cultures that advocate science and refuse the erosion of evil cult. Wage the struggle against “Falun Gong” evil cult to the very end.”

Beijing Municipal Party Committee Deputy Secretary and Mayor Liu Qi, Deputy Secretary and Beijing Municipal People’s Congress Standing Committee Director Yu Junbo, Deputy Secretary Long Xinmin, Municipal Party Committee Standing Committee Member, Judicial and Political Secretary Qiang Wei were also there during the meeting.

During his speech, Jia Qinglin extended his warmest welcome to the Group Reporting Outstanding Achievement In The Struggle Against Falun Gong Evil Cult Organizations on behalf of the Beijing Municipal Party Committee, he congratulated the 6 Outstanding Groups and 11 Outstanding Individuals who received commendation from 7 Central Party Departments and Government Ministries. He also extended his hearty gratitude to comrades who were at the forefront in organizing the struggle against “Falun Gong” evil cult in Beijing.

Jia Qinglin pointed out, ever since the struggle against “Falun Gong” evil cult organization was launched, under the correct leadership of the Party Central Committee, every district and establishments in the country had achieved overwhelming success in their effort to seriously and earnest carry out the policy and guidelines decreed by the Party Central Committee on the handling of “Falun Gong” issues; expose and criticize the anti-society, anti-human, anti-science nature of the “Falun Gong” evil cult; unite, educate and revive “Falun Gong” practitioners to the best effort, and attack the few “Falun Gong” core members criminal activities based on the law. During this struggle emerged a large number of outstanding groups and individuals. They were determined in their stand, clear cut in their conduct, loyal to their responsibility, unselfish and undaunted, willing to give their best. They demonstrated a very high level of political awareness and lofty professionalism. They seriously implemented and executed Party Central Committee’s policy and guidelines on the treatment of “Falun Gong” issues, fully unleashed the advantage of Party ideological and political indoctrination, carefully and meticulously carried out the educational and transformational undertaking, created many good experiences and techniques, they exemplarily practiced the essence of the “Three Representatives” on the job, made significant contributions to safeguard the social stability and the smooth advance and growth of socialism modernization. They were highly praised by people at large and earned the approval of the Party Central Committee.

Jia Qinglin stressed that every district, county, establishment, unit, as well as the Party members at large, cadres and people should follow those outstanding groups and individuals that was commended (by the Party Central) to enthusiastically throw themselves into the struggle against “Falun Gong” evil cult. They must advocate science, combat evil cult, promote healthy atmosphere, eradicate evil, working hard to foster a good environment that advocates science and refuses the erosion of evil cult. Uproot the social foundation and environment that foster the survival of “Falun Gong”, carry the struggle against the “Falun Gong” to the end. http://www.mingjing.org.cn/zxxx/2010302/02.htm

viii BBC Monitoring (source: Xinhua news agency domestic service, Beijing, in Chinese 0847 gmt 30 Nov 01, ) December 3, 2001. http://www.phil-fak.uni-duesseldorf.de/oasien/china/service/bbc/011202.txt

ix Window of the Capital, On April 26, 2000. Speech by Jia Qinglin at the Beijing City Investigation and Research Work Conference (April 26 2000). …Based on the current situation in the society, our country is in the critical stage of overcome significant obstacle and development in the reform, there are significant and complex social transformations, economic distribution within the society, organizing structure and people’s material interest, employment composition are far more multi-faceted. Many conflicts arise from the reform and construction are interwoven together, the cultural and ideology inside and outside China are impacting each other. All these raised serious challenges to our ideology indoctrination effort, and we are seriously lacking research precisely in this area. There is already some problems emerged. For example, our struggle against “Falun Gong” had been more than one year. This is a serious political struggle, and is also a difficult, complex and drawn out struggle. There had been up and downs recently in the situation, and yesterday more than 300 people went to appeal in public. How to deal with evil cult organizations such as “Falun Gong”, how to consolidate our experience with considerations of the overall stability, what kind of effective safeguarding, controlling procedures will require us to search and to provide answers. http://www.bjdcyj.gov.cn/swyjs/wjzl/ldjh/t20031209_87665.htm

x Beijing Daily, December 22, 2000. Beijing Applying for the Olympic. Excerpt from Beijing Daily. During the most recently held City wide Political and Judiciary Working Conference, Beijing Municipal Party Committee Secretary Jia Qinglin emphasized, … he said, during the past year, the entire city’s Political and Judiciary battlefront closely worked with the overall situation, fully exploit their capability and resolutely attacked the enemy forces subversive activities both inside and outside China, engage the struggle against Falun Gong evil cult organization into a deeper level. …. http://www.china.org.cn/ch-shenao/zhengfu/43.htm

xi Beijing DailyDecember 30, 2001: (by reporters Sun Yushan and Du Jing). Beijing Working Conference on Religion was held from December 28 to 29 at the Beijing Conference Center. Beijing Municipal Party Committee Secretary Jia Qinglin emphasized at the meeting to resolutely fulfill and implement the sprit of the National Religion Conference and the important speech by Central Secretary of CCP Jiang Zemin, reinforce the ongoing task effort for Capital city’s religion.

In order to thoroughly fulfill the spirit established by the National Working Conference on Religion, further improve and strengthen under new perspective, Jia Qinglin raised new demands to people working on the Capital religion issues: …tighten the management of religious issues and tasks based on the law. Correctly and completely carry out the policy on the religious freedom. However, one must point out that evil cult is not religion, but evil cult often would carry the religious banner to deceive people, endanger the society. For example, “Falun Gong” is an evil cult and not a religion. We must protect those religions that are legal and lawful. On the other hand, we must strike hard at the evil cult that harms the society and people, and eradicate them. We must actively guide the religion to harmonize with the socialist society, not asking the religious organizations and believers to abandon their faith, but request them to show patriotism for the country, support the socialist system and the leadership of the Communist, obey the law and government policies; we request their religious activities to obey and serve the high interest of the nation and the Chinese people. We request them to work hard to produce new explanations for their religious doctrine, to work hard to produce proactive factors within their religion, and make more contributions to the development of the society and unity of all ethnic groups. http://www.zhengqing.net.cn/2001-12/31/content_220561.htm

xii Window of the Capital, June 12, 2002, Report by Jia Qinglin at the Ninth CCP Congress of Beijing. … (We) persevere in following through the policy of “Strike hard,” strengthen the consolidated management of the security of the society, severely strike those serious crime offenders and economic-financial crimes, stop the bad social phenomenon of “illicit drug, gambling, and pornography”, maintain the stability of social orders. We have secured decisive victory in the battle against “Falun Gong” evil cult organization. … Maintain a high degree of vigilance, tightly guard against and resolutely smash all the subversive and undermining activities by enemy factions both inside and outside China, strike all violent terrorist and ethnic division activities. Relentlessly carry on the struggle against “Falun Gong” evil cult organizations, absolutely eradicate, defend against and strike every class of evil cult organizations.

xiii Beijing Organic Work CommunicationJia Qinglin’s speech on the Beijing Celebration of CCP 80 Birthday Meeting (July 2001) During the struggle against “Falun Gong” evil cult, the Party members must takes the lead to persist the Marxism materialism and the atheism, to do well on the education and transformation of Falun Gong members, continue to consolidate the struggle achievement. http://bjzgtx.bjdj.gov.cn/article/detail.asp?UNID=1544

xiv Beijing Daily, October 1, 2002 (reporter Zhou Xian) reported that yesterday afternoon, Beijing Municipal Party Committee Secretary Jia Qinglin, Mayor Liu Qi, Deputy Secretary Qiang Wei, etc, cordially visited the Beijing Public Security officers, as well as cadres and workers working on battlefront of various commercial establishments, sending them warmly holiday greetings on behalf of the Beijing Municipal Party Committee, Municipal Government and entire people in Beijing.

Jia Qinglin stated, during the past years, under the Party Committee and government’s leadership, every Public Security branches earnestly implemented the vital ideology of the “Three Representatives,” resolutely carried out Party Central’s policy and decisions, followed the requests of the Municipal Party Committee, further deployed the “Strike Hard” to a deeper level, strengthened consolidated social public safety management, closely guarded against enemy forces both within and outside the country, especially various infiltration and damaging activities by the “Falun Gong” evil cult organization. They successfully completed the security details for a long list of activities, made significant contributions to the public safety, safeguard of Capital’s reform, and to the smooth modernization development and construction effort. Jia Qinglin pointed out, ….All police and armed police officers must further unify their ideological thinking, raise their understanding, treat the safeguarding of the Capital safety and stability as their number one political mission with a sense of high degree of political and historical duty; pay attention to all details, depth and concrete steps, push the “Strike Hard” campaign to an even deeper level, intensify the deep strike and educational transformation effort against “Falun Gong” evil cult organization…. http://www.ben.com.cn/BJRB/20021001/GB/BJRB%5E18022%5E1%5E01R118.htm

xv Beijing Daily, September 7, 2002: Jia Qinglin spoke the mobilization conference to safeguard Beijing’s social stability for the upcoming 16th National Congress. Beijing to create a good social environment for the convention of the 16th CPC National Congress – made persecuting Falun Gong one of the five focus tasks of Beijing. “Second is both insist on ‘dig deep and attack’, and insist on ‘detect, search and educate’, resolutely shatter the sabotaging scheme of the Falun Gong cult. http://www.ben.com.cn/BJRB/20020907/GB/BJRB%5E17998%5E1%5E07R118.htm

xvi “Annual Report on the Work of Beijing’s Women’s Federation in 2002.” In additional, the Women’s Federation organized a few women’s organizations to conduct “Investigation and Analysis on Female Falun Gong Practitioners.” Jia and other “610 Office” officials in Beijing made important comments on the report. http://www.women.org.cn/zhuanti/2002zuzhibu/neirong/beijing.htm

xvii Southcn.com report on March 3, 2003 based on the Xinhua Net’s report. At the opening ceremony of the First Session of the Tenth Chinese People’s Political Consultation Conference (CPPCC) – the first meeting Jia presided over after he was elected Chairman of the CPPCC, Li Guixian gave a speech that contained anti-Falun Gong sections, breaking CPPCC’s tradition under Li Ruihuan’s leadership. http://www.southcn.com/news/china/zgkx/200303030781.htm
